Make Every Minute of Your Life Count Towards Your Goal

If you want to be efficient, you must work towards your goal – always.

You should have a goal even if you are chatting with a colleague about last weekend’s BBQ.

Perhaps your goal is to have a short break before returning to work. But you must be consciously aware of this intermediate goal and make sure that it is leading you toward your Goal. Of course, you may need to stop and think about your main Goal.

One of my teachers, when he was doing his advanced degree, had the tagline “PhD in 3 years!” inscribed everywhere around him. He even had it as his screensaver text popping up on the monitor after a few minutes of inactivity. It helped.

This poster will help you make your day – your week – your life – more efficient.

Need help to get ahead? – Download, print and pin to the wall in front of your desk. It works!