Category: consulting

The Performance Triangle: Three Factors that Boost Team Potential

The Performance Triangle: Three Factors that Boost Team Potential The Performance Triangle

In this post, you’ll learn the core differences and similarities between employee engagement, motivation, and job satisfaction. The Performance Triangle offers a powerful visualization of the interplay of factors that impact your team’s performance. By leveraging this model, you can identify the specific areas that need improvement and develop a strategy to achieve excellence.” By […]

The Transition: Employee to Managerial Role

The Transition: Employee to Managerial Role The "admin"-to-"subject matter" ratio changes as we we climb the ladder

Are exceptional employees bound for managerial success? Not necessarily. While being deemed a “good employee” may increase the likelihood of promotion to a management position, being a good manager requires a distinct set of personal traits, skills and values. In general, managerial roles require a unique skill set, often emphasizing “soft” skills. Being an employee […]

Best Employers and Top Universities, Part 2

Best Employers and Top Universities, Part 2 Best Employers and Top Universities

Do you need a university degree? Here’s what may save you a lot of money and a few precious years of your life: To build a successful career in the Knowledge Economy, you most likely don’t need a degree. Only 300 out of 2900 large organizations made the final list of Canada’s Best Employers – […]

Why Do Projects Succeed?

Why Do Projects Succeed?

Now that we know Why Projects Fail, let’s talk about the practical steps and behaviors Project Manager must adopt in order to deliver a project successfully. The three root causes of project success are: LEAN CEO In the knowledge economy, with continuously growing competition, accelerating product lifecycles, and shrinking lifespan of businesses, managing by project […]