Category: productivity

When Quality Meets Diversity, Diversity Wins

When Quality Meets Diversity, Diversity Wins Quality Diversity

Apparently, not many people wanted to admit that When Lean and Safety Meet, Lean Wins — but today many businesses are more cautious with Lean, thanks to Boeing. And here’s more good news! Recently, we learned that When Diversity meets Quality, Diversity wins. This time, it did not cost 346 lives, thanks to Boeing again! […]

Boeing Lean Blowout: Losing It on the Fly

Boeing Lean Blowout: Losing It on the Fly

The news of loose bolts and other ‘installation issues’ in the grounded Boeing 737 Max 9 jets is undeniably concerning. However, there is a silver lining to this revelation: I am confident that these appalling disasters are direct consequences of “lean” production, regardless of what it may be labelled at Boeing for political reasons. Ironically, […]

STEM Gender Gap: Shining Light on the Path to Fulfilling Future

STEM Gender Gap: Shining Light on the Path to Fulfilling Future Women in STEM

Gallup is worried that females born between 1997 and 2011 are somewhat less interested in STEM sectors, compared with males. The rest of us should have more to worry about. According to a recent survey, the primary reason for ladies’ reduced interest in STEM is simple: more women than men “don’t enjoy STEM.” It is […]

The Performance Triangle: Three Factors that Boost Team Potential

The Performance Triangle: Three Factors that Boost Team Potential The Performance Triangle

In this post, you’ll learn the core differences and similarities between employee engagement, motivation, and job satisfaction. The Performance Triangle offers a powerful visualization of the interplay of factors that impact your team’s performance. By leveraging this model, you can identify the specific areas that need improvement and develop a strategy to achieve excellence.” By […]