More Project Managers Not PMPs: The PM 2.0 Course Continues Growing…

Yes, the PM 2.0 Course continues growing, and so is my beard!

Have you checked out the latest additions? To the PM 2.0 course, I mean?

Here they are – click on the lessons’ thumbnails or use the Course Syllabus below.


In addition, or if you do not have time to watch the entire class, you can watch and share these Management Tidbits – management appetizers, between-meets snacks.


And let me know what management tidbit you would want to see next.

This course would not be possible without the good people from MadBright. Check out their site and you may find more food for thought there.

You may use these updated links as the PM 2.0 Course Syllabus:

  1. Project Managers Not PMPs: A Hard Look at the Soft Practice of Project Management – Course Introduction
  2. Project Managers Not PMPs: Project Management as We Know It – History (part 1), (part 2)
  3. Project Managers Not PMPs: PM 2.0 vs PMI Version   
  4. Project Managers Not PMPs: PM 2.0: Soft Is Hard
  5. Project Managers Not PMPs: PM2.0: Planning for Success
  6. Project Managers Not PMPs: PM2.0: Trust and Estimates
  7. Project Managers Not PMPs: PM2.0: Project Optimization