Category: Uncategorized

7 Points of Effective Presentation: Killer Powerpoint Slides

7 Points of Effective Presentation: Killer Powerpoint Slides presentation

I am going through a “killer presentation” sent over by a client, and I am excited…. I am excited because I see that we have a good topic for a successful coaching session:  it will bring immediate result. Actually, I see two successful sessions coming, because every presentation is built on two pillars: the slide […]

The One Thing That Determines Success

The One Thing That Determines Success

What is the one thing that determines your success? Google for it, and the top answers will probably be: positive attitude, action, discipline, followed by “trust”, “leadership”, “networking”, “team”,” good timing”, “determination” …  and many other good words. Do you see a profound gap here, both on the individual and on the organizational level?

Good Online Tool

Good Online Tool

Earlier today, I dozed off at the computer and eventually saw the reflection of my face reflected on the dark screen. That was a revelation. Definitely, I could benefit from an unbiased opinion about my facial expression. After some research, I stumbled across an interesting online tool: PhotoFeeler. All you have to do is upload […]

3 Fundamental Rules of Personal Efficiency

3 Fundamental Rules of Personal Efficiency personal efficiency

There is a phenomenon known as “induced demand.” For example, if you have a congested road network, widening highways will not ease congestion sustainably; often the congestion gets worse, because of the “induced traffic.” You may have experienced this phenomenon yourself: you have already reduced your sleep time, your TV time, your “quality family time” […]

How to Sell Your Team on Project Management in 7 Minutes

How to Sell Your Team on Project Management in 7 Minutes

If you are a professional project manager, you have been through this many times. You get a project to run, receive a list of specialists assigned to the project, start making your calls – and see that the team that you will have to spend a better part of your life with in the coming months […]