Mistakes are New Beginnings

TGIF, the last winter Friday in the Northern Hemisphere!

We know it’s spring when we change to Summer Time and when people of all nationalities prepare to become Irish for a day. With our sustained contribution to climate change, we see the first budding flowers earlier each year, which may be positively looked at as a promise of new beginnings, much like the flurry of weddings that start earlier due to global warming.

Amid these transitions, it’s worth reflecting on the wise words of a famous Irishman James Joyce: “Mistakes are the portals of discovery.”

As we navigate through life’s inevitable mishaps and missteps, let’s embrace them as opportunities for growth and learning. After all, it’s often through our gravest mistakes that we stumble upon our greatest discoveries and accomplishments.

So, as we put on our best greens for this weekend, let’s raise a glass to embracing the twists and turns that are inevitable when celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, and let’s remember that each mistake is simply a stepping stone on the path to success.

In the meantime, our #COMA Gallery is always open to those craving a dose of leadershit endurance or seeking an extra shot of (de)motivation on the fly, with the VIP entrance perpetually open 24/7  — because sometimes, you deserve exclusive instant access to the absurdity.

(If you’re not a VIP yet, you can continue your private tour right here.)