Do You Have a Best Boss-Friend at Work?

🎉 TGIF, Corporate Friends! It’s Best-Friend Friday.🎉

This Saturday is National Best Friends Day, a heartwarming occasion to celebrate those rare souls who tolerate our quirks, forgive our “reply all” mishaps, and still choose to grab coffee with us. I find this BF event optimistic because everyone has a friend at work. If you think you don’t have one (“Not at this horrible place!”), you are wrong: you sure have at least one, just read on. 👓

Some well-paid leadership gurus suggest, “If you have no friends at work, your boss is your friend!” Sure, and maybe my pet cactus 🌵is my therapist.🙄 While bonding with the higher-ups may be a good career move, always read the fine print: The person deciding your bonus probably shouldn’t be the same one you text about your existential crisis while DUI. Remember to keep those boundaries, folks! 🚧

But here’s the good news: This is a non-binding relationship. This friendship evaporates as soon as you are “rightsized” by your organization, whatever is their reason of choice. (Even if you tried to insert in that 2:00 AM text as many emoticons as I do right now, to blend in.) 😉

But seriously, work besties make our 9-to-5 (or 8-to-8 rather) grind bearable. They turn mind-numbing conference calls into silent emoji exchanges and transform tedious team-building events into improv comedy. Gallup wasn’t joking when they found people with a BF at work are seven times more likely to be engaged. That’s some serious ROI: Return on Interconnectedness! 📈🤝 In a world of KPIs, ROIs, and other TLAs (Three-Letter Acronyms), they remind us we’re human, and not just resources. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

In our corporate dystopia—I mean, dynamic work environment—having a true ally is like a PowerPoint deck with only two fonts and three colours: a professional miracle. They’re the ones who warn you about the boss’s mood swings, laugh at your PowerPoint jokes, and strategically “forget” to invite you to soul-crushing meetings. That’s not just friendship; that’s corporate survival skills! 🛡️

So this TGIF, 🍻, as you eagerly watch the clock, planning your escape from the corporate matrix, take a moment. Thank that colleague who’s been your anchor in this sea of spreadsheets. Maybe even schedule a “lunch meeting”😉😜to celebrate your bond. 🫂

After all, in the dog-eat-dog world of business, it’s nice to have someone who’d rather share a hot dog with you. 🌭

Happy Friday, and cherish your work BFF! 💖

Full disclosure: No bosses were harmed (or befriended) in the making of this post. 😇

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