Happy Holidays, All!

Happy Holidays, All!

A friend is hosting a large family gathering this weekend.

She is Catholic. Her husband is Jewish. Her husband’s children are married to a Muslim, a Jew, and a Catholic.

She’s been preparing for the event, like all good hosts do, for over a week. Among other things, she’ll have spiral ham for the Catholics, matzo ball soup and gefilte fish for the Jewish relatives. Luckily, she says, the Muslim son-in-law is fasting anyway, so she doesn’t have to worry about him at least. And that, of course, was a joke: she’ll make sure he has his iftar after sundown.

This year, #Passover#Easter, and #Ramadan fall simultaneously, so it should be a festive dinner for all, happily sitting at the same table.
Isn’t that AMAZING?

Isn’t that exactly how it should be – in harmony, everywhere, always?