“Lean” is to Businesses as “Weight Watchers” is to Individuals

Ever noticed that Lean is very similar to Weight Watchers?

Both promise the moon, have a cult-like following – and both fail to deliver sustainable results in most cases. Did you know “repeat customers” are a mainstay of the Weight Watchers’ strategy? The Lean approach is not much different.

Other popular fad diets to compare:




Further notable commonalities:

–        all may have a positive impact because they encourage to analyze what’s on your plate;

–        in most cases, a lot of related businesses spring up around them, creating waves of new “gurus” who attempt to create barriers to entry and boost their fees;

–        negative results and harmful side effects become common when artificial products “specially formulated” to accelerate the process are introduced;

–        split opinions among professionals;

–        all promise – but none guarantees sustainable results.

Your personal and business performance improves when you set a meaningful goal, create a realistic plan and then follow the plan conscientiously. Just hiring a certified nutritionist or buying a gym membership will not bring noticeable results until you have committed to change.

Read more about this:

Was Starbucks’ venture into Lean useless?

“LEAN all over the place. But It Does Not Work.”

Why Most Lean Six Sigma Projects Fail?

Performance Improvement History in Formulas

What Do Starbucks and Lean Six Sigma Have In Common?